Released By New-Life Mills, Nov. 25 2016

Layer Acacdemy Team 2016-web

Above (left to right, back row), Jim Blackman, Megan Ross, Marie-Eve Lamarche, Hugh Greenfield, (front row) Kevin Weber, Kristen Thompson-Dow, Patrick Hutchinson.


New-Life Mills layer team recently provided over 60 customers & industry partners in Eastern Ontario and Southwestern Ontario with the opportunity to have lunch and learn about feeding & managing hens for the changing future.

In each of the four hour sessions the newly developed NLM Precision feed program was introduced and a close up look at the effective management of Aviary Housing style barns was discussed by our own farm division experts (Kevin Weber & Bill Revington).

With the increase in consumer  influence on the food and restaurant industries, egg producers will need to be ready to respond to the changes of housing and bird management.  Most notable is the increased demand for Aviary style barns which offer free run of the barn by laying hens – providing for more natural behavior.  It’s important we note that with more natural behavior for our hens comes its own challenges in the area of bird health and New-Life Mills is ready to help monitor and improve management and nutrition to meet the changing needs.

To learn more about Pullet and Layer nutrition and management contact a New-Life Mills Poultry Specialist